Salads Baby!

  1. 3. The flavoring of the salad usually added to the dish to the consumers intent
  2. 7. A type of salad held together by a certain bind like thick dressing
  3. 8. A type of salad that incorporated any other types of salad into one
  4. 9. A sweet salad served at the end of a meal
  5. 10. A dressing that contains permanent mixtures of its ingredients
  6. 13. A type of salad mixed by hands
  7. 14. A large salad that serves as a filling meal
  8. 16. A salad that contains fruit with slightly sweet or sour dressing to enhance flavor
  9. 17. A Salad that contains cooked or raw vegetables
  10. 20. A salad that contains primary ingredients like meat, fish, poultry, etc
  1. 1. oil and vinegar combined at a 3:1 ratio
  2. 2. An ingredient that can permanently bind dissimilar ingredients to create and emulsion
  3. 4. A dressing that contains temporary mixtures of the ingredients
  4. 5. A type of salad where the ingredients are arranged purposefully
  5. 6. A salad that serves to cleanse the palate after a rich meal
  6. 11. A cold dish of various mixtures of raw or cooked vegetables
  7. 12. Enhances the appearance and taste of the salad
  8. 15. Served as an appetizer before the main meal
  9. 18. The start of the salad that usually contains lettuce and other greens
  10. 19. the main ingredients of the salad make this part up