- 4. specialized intercellular junctions which hold adjacent secretory cells together are
- 7. stensons duct open into
- 9. the primary buffering system of saliva is formed by
- 13. another name for myoepithelial cells
- 17. submandindibular duct is also called as
- 21. acinus serous cells form a crescent shaped structure at the blind end called as
- 23. sublingual gland produce a distinct ridge under the tongue on either side called as
- 27. intercalated ducts and striated ducts continue to form
- 30. the posterior border of the parotid gland is which canal
- 1. the smallest major salivary gland
- 2. the anterior lingual glands are also known as
- 3. nature of secretion of labial and buccal glands is
- 5. special stain used to reveal the secretory products are
- 6. glands which are located posteriorly on either side of tongue
- 8. Gland present in the labial mucosa
- 10. the smallest ducts of the salivary gland
- 11. natore of secretion of von ebner's glands
- 12. one of the lobes of the parotid gland
- 14. parenchymal components of salivary gland are ductal system and
- 15. intercalated and striated ducts are
- 16. the nerve that loops around the submandibular duct is
- 18. how many categories of lingual minor salivary glands are seen
- 19. an example for major salivary gland
- 20. the predominant salivary immunoglobulin is
- 22. all minor salivary glands belong to mucous except
- 24. intercalated ducts are lined by what kind of cells
- 25. the cells in straited ducts participate in this transport
- 26. the sublingual glands are bound inferiorly by which muscle
- 28. the secretion of stored protein is by the process
- 29. the salivary gland that does not have a capsule of its own