Salvation History (join together vocab words with a space)

  1. 4. different kinds of writing
  2. 6. a patriarch
  3. 9. books the Church recognizes as inspired by God
  4. 11. sacred books revealing God's truth
  5. 14. solemn agreement
  6. 15. first sin often referred to as "the fall"
  7. 17. explanation of biblical text
  8. 18. spokesperson chosen by God
  9. 19. deliberate offense against the will of God
  10. 20. synonym of covenant
  11. 22. promised land in the time of Abraham
  1. 1. time before the invention of writing
  2. 2. maternal leader of a clan or tradition
  3. 3. father and spiritual leader of a tribe
  4. 5. pattern of covenant, sin and deliverance
  5. 7. the lineage of Christ
  6. 8. message communicated by a prophet on behalf of God
  7. 10. 46 books making up the first part of the Bible
  8. 12. pattern of events exemplify saving action
  9. 13. a matriarch
  10. 16. 27 books written during the time of apostles
  11. 21. literary form