Samba Key Words

  1. 2. small drum played with a flexible beater
  2. 7. how a piece is put together
  3. 8. these are used to play the drums with
  4. 9. another term for Question and Answer
  5. 10. the steady beat of a piece
  6. 11. a combination of many rhythms
  7. 14. the speed
  8. 15. Lowest drum,keeps the pulse
  9. 17. the volume
  1. 1. the leader's whistle
  2. 3. two metal bells, one high and one low
  3. 4. making it up
  4. 5. a section which breaks up the performance
  5. 6. where is Samba from?
  6. 9. a shaker with small cymbals on either side
  7. 12. smaller drum, plays faster rhythms
  8. 13. Like a snare drum
  9. 16. the big party in Rio what Samba is most for