Sampled Lab Week 2023

  1. 1. the type of lab Sampled identifies as
  2. 4. any biological substance posing a threat
  3. 9. mechanism for sucking up supernatent
  4. 10. a type of cell able to transform into different cell types found in the body
  5. 12. could be 15mLs or 50 mLs and require a rack to work with in a hood
  6. 14. hand protectors
  7. 15. part of PPE that is changed when soiled, if not, then weekly
  8. 17. container for glass hazardous waste
  9. 18. the name on most (if not all) transport vehicles (hint: our CEOs name)
  1. 2. reddish-brown biohazard that is processed around the clock
  2. 3. Company that provides us all with a paycheck :)
  3. 5. divides one sample into multiple
  4. 6. keeps frozen samples from thawing
  5. 7. substance that has been altered for use but still can pose a threat
  6. 8. mechanism for working with samples in a hood or cabinet
  7. 11. identifier for every sample, tube, or vial
  8. 12. process to cool samples before placing in LN tank
  9. 13. general room where processing takes place
  10. 16. cells continuously proliferating, can form tumors