Samurai Chapter 26 - 30

  1. 1. purposely stay away from someone. It means to ostracize or expel from that group or community.
  2. 4. If the language you speak in your region is different in vocabulary, grammar and accent than the main form of the language, you speak a ________.
  3. 6. inspires pity and contempt
  4. 7. blessed with special advantages
  5. 8. A ________ is a rebellion against authority, like when sailors overthrow the captain of a ship or when a class of 8th graders refuses to dissect a frog in biology class.
  1. 1. describes a belief in chance or magic. If you're ________, you may avoid walking under ladders, spilling salt, or passing black cats — all because you think they will bring you bad luck.
  2. 2. sometimes known as a "green horn" or inexperienced person
  3. 3. shipmate rank
  4. 5. describes leaving a ship, airplane or other type of vehicle