- 3. What is the name of the newest World Centre?
- 6. What is the name of the state that Sangam is in?
- 8. animal you might see in Pune
- 9. what animal is Sangam's mascot?
- 14. True or false - India was one of hte founding members of the World Association
- 15. word to say 'hello' in Hindi
- 17. what sea is closest to Pune?
- 18. looking at a compass which part of India is Pune in? North, South, East or West?
- 1. name of Sangam's mascot
- 2. typically the country New Zealanders who go to India travel through to get there
- 4. How old is Sangam?
- 5. name of community volunteers at Sangam
- 7. name of Indian clothes women in India typically wear
- 10. Name of city you will find Sangam
- 11. famous monument in India
- 12. How many World Centres are there?
- 13. Guides in India belong to a joint Movement for boys and girls known as The ? Scouts and Guides
- 16. animal common to see in India