
  1. 3. What is the name of the newest World Centre?
  2. 6. What is the name of the state that Sangam is in?
  3. 8. animal you might see in Pune
  4. 9. what animal is Sangam's mascot?
  5. 14. True or false - India was one of hte founding members of the World Association
  6. 15. word to say 'hello' in Hindi
  7. 17. what sea is closest to Pune?
  8. 18. looking at a compass which part of India is Pune in? North, South, East or West?
  1. 1. name of Sangam's mascot
  2. 2. typically the country New Zealanders who go to India travel through to get there
  3. 4. How old is Sangam?
  4. 5. name of community volunteers at Sangam
  5. 7. name of Indian clothes women in India typically wear
  6. 10. Name of city you will find Sangam
  7. 11. famous monument in India
  8. 12. How many World Centres are there?
  9. 13. Guides in India belong to a joint Movement for boys and girls known as The ? Scouts and Guides
  10. 16. animal common to see in India