Sara + Josh

  1. 1. Sara and Josh have been together for ______ years
  2. 6. ______ trail, where Josh spent many childhood days hiking from his backyard in Southern Ontario
  3. 7. ______ Beach, where Josh proposed at sunset on
  4. 8. Kicks and ______, Sara and Josh's soccer team name
  5. 9. Where Sara and Josh walked their first date
  6. 11. Lord of the ______, Sara's favourite movies and books
  7. 12. Princess ______, a beloved movie to Sara and Josh
  1. 2. City where Sara grew up
  2. 3. Josh will only eat bagels from this famous Montreal bagel shop
  3. 4. ______ Coast, where Sara and Josh spent their first weekend away and their mini-moon
  4. 5. Sara and Josh's neighbourhood ice cream spot
  5. 10. Sara and Josh's fluffy old roommate