Sarah and Kong's Wedding Trivia

  1. 5. Which state did Sarah and Kong most recently visit together?
  2. 8. Kong's Church
  3. 9. the matron of honor?
  4. 11. the maid of honor?
  5. 14. the month the newlyweds got engaged
  6. 15. Sarah & Kong enjoy watching this in the morning
  7. 17. Who said "I love you" first?
  8. 18. the month the newlyweds started dating
  9. 19. the best man (that is married)
  10. 20. Sarah & Kong's favorite boba flavor
  11. 21. Sarah & Kong's favorite outdoor activity
  1. 1. the bride
  2. 2. Sarah & Kong's honeymoon destination
  3. 3. Sarah's Church
  4. 4. Where did Sarah and Kong first meet?
  5. 6. the first state they traveled together
  6. 7. How many children do the newlyweds want?
  7. 8. Sarah and Kong enjoy sharing this dessert together
  8. 10. Who does Sarah and Kong follow?
  9. 12. Sarah and Kong's favorite anime
  10. 13. the best man
  11. 16. What asian country do the newlyweds want to travel to next?
  12. 17. the groom