
  1. 4. code whose codeword length is fixed.
  2. 9. interference between the adjacent TDM channels
  3. 10. based on the principle of interleaving symbols from two or more digital signals.
  4. 11. code that has the highest efficiency & results in optimum code.
  5. 14. a code in which each codeword is distinguishable from other codewords.
  6. 15. Average information
  1. 1. a channel which is both lossless & deterministic
  2. 2. a channel described by a channel matrix with only one non zero element in each row.
  3. 3. a path or a medium through which the symbols flow to the receiver end.
  4. 5. the design a a variable length code such that its average codeword length approaches the entropy of DMS.
  5. 6. conversion of output of a discrete memoryless source into a sequence of binary symbols
  6. 7. a code in which no codeword can be formed by adding code symbols to another codeword.
  7. 8. code whose codeword length is not fixed.
  8. 12. a channel described by a channel matrix with only one non zero element in each column.
  9. 13. a distinct code uniquely decodable if original source sequence can be reconstructed perfectly from the encoded binary sequence.