
  1. 2. in, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city
  2. 7. (of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered
  3. 8. knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
  4. 10. a narrow horizontal surface projecting from a wall, cliff, or other surface
  5. 11. emit a long, deep audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or similar
  6. 12. a building material made from a mixture of broken stone or gravel, sand, cement, and water
  7. 13. in, relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town
  8. 14. a sum of money exacted as a penalty by a court of law or other authority
  1. 1. a sensation of whirling and loss of balance, associated particularly with looking down from a great height
  2. 3. a familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of or as well as the real name
  3. 4. a reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous things
  4. 5. come together; assemble or accumulate
  5. 6. be unable to move further
  6. 9. (of a surface or object) difficult to hold firmly or stand on because it is smooth, wet, or slimy
  7. 11. the outside part or uppermost layer of something