SAT Vocab 3 Crossword

  1. 3. eg. Kim Jong Un
  2. 7. He looked _____ in his three-piece suit and tie.
  3. 10. Fish (swimmer) in sixth period Marple.
  4. 13. Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh is known for being pessimistic, sarcastic, and _____.
  5. 14. What Lucy/Wyldstyle in the second Lego movie says she is doing when Rex/Emmet interrupts by bringing her coffee.
  6. 15. I feel so happy I could go and ___ through a field of flowers.
  7. 16. mercurial
  8. 17. roam
  9. 20. The malopropism of "milk toast" is a synonym of this.
  10. 21. A sixth-period student synonymous with tune.
  11. 23. With all the work I've put in and good grades I've earned, I better graduate _____.
  12. 24. Many officer positions at Mission are influenced by _____, which is unfair.
  13. 28. The name of a tiger in an animated children's show about a kind neighborhood.
  14. 31. Being a ____ organism is a beneficial behavioral adaptation in deserts where it is scorching hot during the day.
  15. 33. The funeral speech was so ______, it made me cry.
  16. 34. After being expelled from the school, John was considered a _____.
  17. 36. I hope learning all of this SAT vocabulary increases my ______.
  18. 38. I love to go home so I can _____ in my comfortable bean bag.
  19. 39. He had a _____ expression on his face, despite just being told he failed his English test.
  20. 40. A very commonly played, educational game run by a newspaper.
  21. 41. I'd do poorly on the tests if I learned the vocabulary by ___.
  22. 42. Wrote the album "Everything I Know About Love"
  23. 43. My friend is a big ____ but I don't know how to tell her I don't want to hear her complaints constantly.
  1. 1. A group of crows.
  2. 2. figuratively
  3. 4. impromptu action
  4. 5. The lack of pockets in women's clothing is antithetical to being _______.
  5. 6. Nazar
  6. 8. She was clearly acting _____ just so that she would get the promotion.
  7. 9. A European country and US state.
  8. 11. The photographer offered to take a fake ____ and told us to pretend we were talking to each other and laughing.
  9. 12. The child accepted the money with eager _____.
  10. 17. A 2009 TV show referenced in the song "deja vu."
  11. 18. I looked at her in _____ when she said she got into Harvard with a 2.3 GPA.
  12. 19. a neanderthal is an example of this.
  13. 22. As a freshman, I was a _____ in the first game of the season.
  14. 25. Tybalt was always _______.
  15. 26. I woke up to a ______ of bird chirps, lawn mowers, and chattering voices.
  16. 27. The homework is graded on completion, so my performance was ____.
  17. 29. A self-help book has inspired me to have a more _____ outlook on life.
  18. 30. french for "present yourself"
  19. 32. antonym of good-natured and patient.
  20. 35. "pretty isn't pretty" in Olivia Rodrigo's GUTS
  21. 37. Known for its unnamed albums referred to by a color.