
  1. 2. Torches lights along the city streets at night during Saturnalia
  2. 5. Dice box
  3. 6. A Roman goddess of the harvest, wife of Saturn
  4. 8. Winter festival in honor of the God Saturn
  5. 11. Small figurines exchanged as gifts
  6. 12. Holly, sprigs of holly were worn or used for decoration
  7. 13. The number of days that Saturnalia lasted
  8. 14. Month in which Satunalia occured
  9. 15. Roman god, father of Jupiter Considered an agriculture One of Saturn's dominions for the Romans
  1. 1. A term for banquet or feast
  2. 3. A word for dice
  3. 4. The pointed hat of a freedmen and worn by masters during Saturnalia
  4. 6. 3rd day of Saturnalia focusing on honoring Ops
  5. 7. Star shaped decorations for outdoor trees
  6. 8. The winter __________ is the longest night and shortest not of the year that marks the beginning of winter.
  7. 9. A colorful gown/robe worn during Saturnalia
  8. 10. The ___________ Saturnalium was the Chief of Saturnalia, chosen to lead the games during Saturnalia