Saul: The First King of Israel (1 Samuel 8, 9, 15)

  1. 4. who came to Samuel in chapter 8
  2. 5. the name of Israel's first king
  3. 6. God says that Israel has _____ Him, not Samuel
  4. 10. God tells Samuel to ____ their voice in chapter 8 when Israel asks for a king
  5. 12. who did Saul spare that he was supposed to kill in chapter 15?
  6. 13. Saul says to Samuel but I have ____ the voice of the Lord
  7. 15. Samuel tells Saul that to obey is better than ____
  8. 18. God says, "I greatly ____ that I have set up Saul as king"
  9. 19. Samuel's second-born son
  1. 1. God told Saul to go and destroy this nation
  2. 2. leaders before kings in Israel
  3. 3. there was not a more _____ man than Saul among the children of Israel
  4. 7. Saul was ____ than anyone else in Israel
  5. 8. Israel wants a king so that they can be like all the other _____
  6. 9. God tells Samuel to ____ Israel about the behavior of a king
  7. 11. how did Samuel feel when Israel asked for a king?
  8. 14. saul's father
  9. 16. Samuel tells Saul, "Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in _____ the voice of the Lord?"
  10. 17. where was Samuel in chapter 8