Saving Money

  1. 3. When people become sick or ______ they may not be able to work.
  2. 6. Money that is earned at a job (Paycheck)
  3. 8. What you spend money on
  4. 10. You should keep you bank account information _____ and not share it with anyone
  5. 12. when you owe other people, stores and businesses money
  6. 13. How much money is in your bank account
  7. 14. A general rule of thumb is to put _____% of your paycheck into savings.
  1. 1. you should save up ____ months worth of expenses in your emergency savings
  2. 2. When older people decide to stop working
  3. 4. The loss of this can cause you to use your emergency savings
  4. 5. this is the amount of money the bank pays a person for the use of their money
  5. 7. This is a question you should ask yourself before buying something, Do I _____ this?
  6. 9. spending less and being careful in how a person spends money
  7. 11. Money in your _________savings account that can cover at least six months of living expenses