Say Hello to Model UN

  1. 3. A request/question raised by a delegate for information or for an action relating to that delegate.
  2. 6. A request made by a delegate that the committee as a whole do something.
  3. 7. A time at which delegates indicate whether they do or do not support a proposed action for the committee.
  4. 8. A list that determines the order in which delegates will speak.
  5. 9. A country that wishes a draft resolution to be put on the floor and signs the draft resolution to accomplish this.
  6. 11. The first duty of a committee following the roll call is usually to set the ____.
  7. 12. A document that has been passed by an organ of the UN that aims to address a particular problem or issue.
  8. 13. A type of caucus in which delegates remain seated and the Chair calls on them to speak for a short period of time, enabling a freer exchange of opinions than would be possible in formal debate.
  9. 17. A group of countries in a similar geographical region or with a similar opinion on a particular topic.
  10. 18. A break in formal debate in which countries can more easily and informally discuss a topic. There are two types: moderated and unmoderated.
  11. 19. A document that seeks to fix the problems addressed by a Model UN committee. If passed by the committee, it will become into a resolution.
  12. 24. A note a delegate in a Model UN committee could pass to another, or to the dais, for a short period of time.
  13. 26. One of the writers of a draft resolution.
  14. 27. A piece of card stock with a country's name on it that a delegate raises in the air to signal to the Chair that he or she wishes to speak.
  1. 1. A member of the dais that oversees the creation of working papers and draft resolutions, acts as an expert on the topic, and makes sure delegates accurately reflect the policy of their countries.
  2. 2. A type of caucus in which delegates leave their seats to mingle and speak freely.
  3. 4. The "standard" type of debate at a Model UN conference, in which delegates speak for a certain time in an order based on a speakers' list.
  4. 5. A summary of a country's position on a topic, written by a delegate before a Model UN conference.
  5. 10. The tool, shaped like a small wooden hammer, which the Chair uses to keep order within a Model UN committee.
  6. 14. All UN or Model UN sessions end with a vote to ____. This means that the debate is suspended until the next meeting.
  7. 15. A member of the dais that moderates debate, keeps time, rules on points and motions, and enforces the rules of procedure.
  8. 16. To agree with a motion being proposed before they are brought to a vote.
  9. 19. A student acting as a representative of a member state or observer in a Model UN committee.
  10. 20. A change to a draft resolution on the floor. Can be of two types.
  11. 21. The first order of business in a Model UN committee, during which the Rapporteur reads aloud the names of each member state in the committee.
  12. 22. 50% plus one vote of the number of delegates in a committee. The amount needed to pass most votes.
  13. 23. At a Model UN conference, when a working paper or draft resolution is first written, it may not be discussed in debate. After it is approved by the Director and introduced by the committee, it is put "___" and may be discussed.
  14. 25. During a vote on a substantive matter, delegates may ____ rather than vote yes or no. This generally signals that a country does not support the resolution being voted on, but does not oppose it enough to vote no.