SB - PASS Week 7 content - Respiratory System

  1. 5. The combination of alveolar walls and capillary walls where gas exchange occurs(11,8)
  2. 9. __________ bronchi - the trachea begins branching, or bifurcating, at the center of the chest(8)
  3. 10. The process of gas exchange(11)
  4. 12. The medial surface of the lung has a deep, concave cavity that holds the heart, called the(7,10)
  5. 13. The upper airway ends at the(5,5)
  6. 15. The lungs are __________-shaped organs(7)
  7. 16. A passive act caused by relaxation of the diaphragm and elastic recoil of the lungs(10)
  8. 17. A muscle of breathing(9)
  9. 19. The Respiratory System has two main functions: 1. To bring oxygen from the environment into the body (into the bloodstream) 2. To remove _________ ___________ waste from the body(from the bloodstream)(6,7)
  10. 20. Each lung is divided into __________(5)
  11. 21. Week 7 lecture content(11,6)
  12. 23. Connects the pharynx and the trachea(6)
  13. 25. The respiratory system consists of a series of branching tubes (airways) that carry air deep within the lungs - As the branching tubes get smaller, they are called(11)
  14. 27. The respiratory control center(7,9)
  15. 28. An irreversible condition characterised by destruction of alveolar walls and loss of elastic recoil in the lung(9)
  1. 1. Terminal air sacs surrounded by a network of capillaries that allow gas exchange(7)
  2. 2. The upper airway begins at the(5)
  3. 3. The __________ cage houses, protects, and facilitates function for the system(8)
  4. 4. An active process initiated by the respiratory control center.(11)
  5. 6. Where the gas exchange occurs(8,9,8)
  6. 7. A disorder characterised by:Reversible airway narrowing, airway hyper reactivity, chronic airway inflammation(6)
  7. 8. The process of breathing has this many components(3)
  8. 11. The movement of air into and out of the lungs(11)
  9. 14. The bony _________ protects the organs of the chest while providing freedom of movement(6)
  10. 18. The area where the root of each lung is attached(5)
  11. 22. Also known as the windpipe(7)
  12. 24. Branching of the bronchi - into _________ lobular bronchi that correspond to the respective lobes(4)
  13. 25. The respiratory system consists of a series of branching tubes (airways) that carry air deep within the lungs. The larger tubes are called(7)
  14. 26. Two serve as the vital organs(5)