SC811 Baby Shower!!

  1. 2. A baby's way of letting parents know they are either hungry, wet, or sleepy
  2. 4. Traditional girl color
  3. 6. Milk container// Baby drinks milk from this item
  4. 8. Mom and Dad will not have a lot of this once baby is born
  5. 9. Bag used to carry baby supplies
  6. 10. The father of one of the parents of the baby
  7. 12. Toy percussions toy
  8. 13. Traditional boy color
  9. 14. Powder that once mixed with water, creates milk
  10. 15. Newborn's bed
  11. 17. Two babies born at once
  12. 19. Baby bodysuit
  13. 20. Baby feeding apparel// Mealtime neckwear
  1. 1. Used to clean a dirty baby bottom
  2. 3. Popular bath toy
  3. 5. A scan/picture taken of baby while still in mom's belly
  4. 7. Classic stuffed animal
  5. 11. Mom and Dad
  6. 15. Auto accessory for baby travel
  7. 16. A basket like bed for babies
  8. 18. Your sister's baby girl