Scale 9

  1. 2. a clear sign of an underdeveloped society
  2. 3. an example of good infrastructure that is necessary for life
  3. 5. a benefit of urbanization that improves society
  4. 7. where the ninja turtles live
  5. 8. relating to characteristics of the countryside
  6. 9. the presence or introduction into the environment of a substance that has harmful effects
  7. 11. the capital of qatar
  8. 12. the basic physical and organizational structures of a society
  9. 13. the amount of something in a specific area
  10. 14. conditions related to public health, working to keep things clean
  11. 16. a public service that helps keep people safe in cities
  12. 18. the capital of japan
  1. 1. the process of people moving from countryside to cities
  2. 4. a benefit of urbanization that improves connection
  3. 6. an example of one of the social issues created by urbanization
  4. 10. relating to characteristics of a city
  5. 11. setting aside property for a specific purpose
  6. 15. supreme leader of north korea
  7. 17. an important factor and benefit of urbanization