Scarlet Letter Background & Vocab

  1. 2. the stockade used to hold the guilty party; displays their shame publicly
  2. 4. archaic term for benefits
  3. 5. Hawthorne's famous work published in 1850
  4. 8. intrusive or relentless
  5. 9. God's dominion
  6. 16. accepted standard of behavior; proper
  7. 17. people
  8. 18. Hawthorne was ashamed of his ancestors' ____ of Quakers and witches committed in the 1600's.
  9. 22. archaic term for your; similar to thy
  10. 23. the practice of transforming matter into gold; magic
  11. 24. an ancestor
  12. 26. relating to birthplace
  13. 31. federal government building overseeing imports and exports
  14. 33. needed or required
  15. 34. payment for service
  16. 35. archaic term for ask or beg
  17. 37. archaic term for are
  18. 39. archaic term for why or for what reason
  19. 41. archaic term for it seems to me
  20. 42. archaic term for do; similar to doth
  21. 43. a wise person or leader
  22. 44. All aspects of Puritan life (school, work, family) revolve around serving God and admonishing those guilty of ___.
  23. 46. playful
  24. 49. a fairy or sprite in European folklore
  25. 51. genre that best categorizes Hawthorne's literary work exploring human fallibility
  26. 52. archaic term for where
  1. 1. slow, clumsy, or heavy
  2. 3. desperately needed by Hawthorne which is why he left his writing career to work at the Salem Custom House
  3. 6. literary movement in constant pursuit of growth through experience
  4. 7. transcendentalists' community in which Hawthorne lived for some time
  5. 10. public shame or humiliation
  6. 11. established a colony in New England a decade after the Pilgrims; considered themselves a "pure" religion compared to the Church of England
  7. 12. black or dark in color
  8. 13. beyond the normal
  9. 14. an omen or warning
  10. 15. a person's facial features
  11. 19. father
  12. 20. the original spelling of Hawthorne's last name, from which he sought to distance himself
  13. 21. period of 20 years
  14. 24. strickly religious
  15. 25. friendly and cheerful
  16. 26. author of The Scarlet Letter
  17. 27. appear to be something it's not
  18. 28. archaic term for indeed
  19. 29. archaic term for here
  20. 30. sacrifice for a cause
  21. 32. period in life marked by a notable event
  22. 36. literary movement marked by its emphasis on the reflection of emotions, creativity, beauty, history, etc.
  23. 38. archaic term for you; similar to thou or ye
  24. 40. large, grand house
  25. 45. highly respected
  26. 47. ability to affect an emotional response, especially sadness or empathy
  27. 48. a building
  28. 50. evil person or demon