Scarlet Letter ch 9-16

  1. 1. Pearl throws these at Hester’s letter as they walk through the cemetery
  2. 4. Chillingworth gathers weeds from this
  3. 6. passes by the scaffold in the middle of the night but does not see Dimmesdale
  4. 10. “vilest of the vile”
  5. 12. Pearl uses this to make herself a green letter A
  6. 15. In Dimmesdale and Chillingworth’s home hangs a tapestry depicting the story of David and this woman
  7. 18. talks about people’s sorrow, according to Hester
  8. 19. “self-ordained Siter of Mercy”
  9. 22. The townspeople say the meteoric A means this, in honor of Governor Wintrhop’s passing into heaven
  10. 23. Chillingworth says he has become this
  11. 24. Dimmesdale leaves this on the scaffold
  12. 25. Chillingworth uses these to make medicine
  1. 2. grows uglier and more misshapen because of his obsession with revenge
  2. 3. Pearl says this does not love her mother
  3. 5. what the magistrates consider allowing Hester to do with her letter
  4. 7. what Chillingworth calls the “black flower”
  5. 8. forms a large red letter A in the sky
  6. 9. knows the truth through her intuition
  7. 11. the reason Hester tells Pearl she wears the letter: “for the sake of its _____”
  8. 13. returns Dimmesdale’s glove to him
  9. 14. As time goes by, people begin to say the letter A means this
  10. 16. Dimmesdale always holds his hand over this
  11. 17. place Dimmesdale stands in the middle of the night
  12. 20. The time when Dimmesdale says Hester, Pearl, and he will stand together
  13. 21. the number of years that have passed since the beginning of the novel