  1. 4. habla español muy bien
  2. 6. a specialty product of the slowest competitor
  3. 7. Darko's greatest love
  4. 10. Darko's enemy AKA Mustafa
  5. 14. has four grandchildren and the 5th one on the way
  6. 15. the cause of our family's fights and blood shedding
  7. 17. something long and thin
  8. 19. a vet-to-be
  1. 1. impostacija
  2. 2. Zoran's sport
  3. 3. Luka's profession
  4. 5. the Honorary Fellow of the Society of Chemistry
  5. 8. Ivan is an ..... in a marketing agency
  6. 9. a gang leader
  7. 11. a husband-to-be
  8. 12. Tina's and Ilija's daughter
  9. 13. 0,0% (till recently)
  10. 16. your friend since the kindergarten
  11. 18. Veca's favourite animal