
  1. 3. Winds comes from diffrent places
  2. 5. Breeze oppasite of land breeze
  3. 8. #4
  4. 10. #3
  5. 11. Breeze oppasite of land breeze
  6. 13. it does nothing
  7. 14. Westerlies
  8. 15. Wind wind all overe the earth
  1. 1. #2
  2. 2. you are done with your crossword puzzle, save as a PDF, and then upload your document to this assignment before you submit.
  3. 3. #1
  4. 4. In number four
  5. 6. Stream causes wheather
  6. 7. make us hot and cold and put sand in eye
  7. 9. Easterlies
  8. 12. Effect torust fake it
  9. 16. Wind