- 2. Jenny’s favorite way to wake up
- 5. What Eric loves to lie about
- 7. Jenny’s favorite couple past time
- 8. What Eric loves to lie about
- 9. Jenny’s first quirk she loved about Eric
- 12. How Eric makes Jenny feel
- 15. Eric & Jenny’s first debate
- 16. Eric’s first “I love you” anniversary
- 17. Eric’s response to the first “I love you”
- 18. Jenny’s favorite thing to watch Eric eat
- 1. One reason Jenny loves Eric so much
- 3. Eric & Jenny’s first big screen moment as a couple
- 4. Eric’s movie-like gesture
- 6. Eric’s first goofy moment
- 10. what Jenny’s most looking forward to in the near future
- 11. Eric & Jenny’s first movie-like scene
- 12. Jenny’s favorite thing to do after a long day
- 13. What Jenny bought to be more attractive to Eric early on in dating
- 14. Jenny’s favorite accessory of Eric’s