Schoenberg, Peripetie

  1. 2. Member of the Second Viennese School.
  2. 4. A group of 6 notes.
  3. 5. Meaning of Peripetie.
  4. 9. A small flute.
  5. 12. Member of the Second Viennese School.
  6. 13. Turning a melody upside down.
  7. 15. Notes that produce a clashing sound when played together.
  8. 19. The notes become twice as long.
  9. 20. A large one is needed to play this piece.
  10. 21. Music that is not in a key.
  11. 22. The most important part.
  12. 25. Peripetie is the ... piece in Five Orchestral Pieces.
  13. 26. These are played with both a mallet and a cello bow.
  1. 1. The second most important part.
  2. 3. Structure of this piece.
  3. 6. Member of the Second Viennese School.
  4. 7. At least this many players are needed for this piece.
  5. 8. An early 20th century movement in the arts.
  6. 9. The quietest dynamic.
  7. 10. Melodies contain large leaps.
  8. 11. A large gong.
  9. 14. A lower version of the oboe.
  10. 16. A rapidly repeated note.
  11. 17. The dynamics change ...
  12. 18. Texture is mainly this.
  13. 23. Tempo marking meaning very quick.
  14. 24. The loudest dynamic.