
  1. 4. You use me to write. I have an eraser.
  2. 6. I am in every classroom. I have 50 stars and 3 colors.
  3. 7. You can open and close me. I have knob and a little window.
  4. 8. I am sticky. You use me to paste.
  5. 11. You can write in me. I am a good place for notes.
  6. 12. I am white, big, and the shape of a rectangle. I am in he front of the classroom.
  7. 13. You should NOT stand one me. You sit on me.
  8. 14. You use me to cut paper.
  1. 1. I show you countries and state. You use me for directions.
  2. 2. You use me to measure or make straight lines.
  3. 3. I show the month and days of the week.
  4. 5. I tell time. I show numbers.
  5. 9. You learn from me. I teach you new things.
  6. 10. I can be thick or thin. I open and close. I have words.