
  1. 2. I walked to our -----
  2. 6. leaving school
  3. 7. I go to school to -----
  4. 11. the type of school we go to
  5. 12. we go to City ------
  6. 14. the leader of a class
  7. 15. the thing you have to wear everyday
  1. 1. the thing I'm talking about
  2. 3. what World Cultures and Outdoor Ed and Art and PE are
  3. 4. the boss of the school
  4. 5. the thing that rings when an announcement needs to be made or if its getting too loud
  5. 8. the first day of the school week
  6. 9. the two days we are off school
  7. 10. the mascot of the school
  8. 13. the thing teachers make you do