
  1. 3. scissors
  2. 4. academy, school post-16
  3. 7. office
  4. 14. to support, to back, to help
  5. 15. prospects, outlook, future developments
  6. 17. law
  7. 18. prestado to borrow
  8. 19. to punish
  9. 20. punishment
  1. 1. reading
  2. 2. folder, file
  3. 5. teaching; education
  4. 6. to hit
  5. 8. help, support, backing
  6. 9. to achieve
  7. 10. bullying
  8. 11. to translate
  9. 12. vocational training
  10. 13. to hand in
  11. 16. to make an effort