
  1. 2. you say the this every morning
  2. 3. you use it to eat your salad
  3. 6. where you exercise
  4. 7. you ask permission to use it
  5. 10. a place where you eat
  6. 11. where you run the mile
  7. 12. you play soccer
  8. 14. you use to eat soup
  9. 15. must wash your hand with
  10. 18. you do this to get your lunch
  11. 20. you use it to cut your food
  1. 1. your classroom
  2. 3. a tall place to place a flag
  3. 4. you must drink this during the day
  4. 5. where you go to come inside the school
  5. 8. towel you dry your hands with this
  6. 9. something you can see outside
  7. 12. this is around the school
  8. 13. to enter the classroom
  9. 14. you go up and down
  10. 16. a place where you put your food
  11. 17. you use it to clean your mouth after eating
  12. 19. building the place where the secretaries work