- 2. blank starts at 7:15
- 4. a class that students play sports in
- 6. you read these
- 8. you carry all of your stuff in it
- 11. you have a chair and a ... in the class
- 13. students sit in a ...
- 14. class dealing with equations
- 15. you write on this
- 16. used to write and can't erase
- 1. a class that involve lots of reading
- 3. the work you're given to take home
- 5. you wear it when you are cold
- 7. used to write and can erase
- 8. it has rings and holds papers
- 9. students are always on this
- 10. you sit in this in the classroom
- 12. a lot of students play
- 13. use this piece of tech every day