- 2. When looking for a book to read you go here.
- 4. you are ______ when you don't show up for school.
- 6. this is what you read out of.
- 8. this is who is in charge of the school.
- 9. This is the room for people to eat.
- 10. this is what you call your peers.
- 12. this is who teaches the class.
- 13. you get a report card to look at your ____.
- 1. this is the room where students learn.
- 2. this is what you're supposed to do at school.
- 3. this is what you work on during class.
- 5. this is the class you mostly work with numbers.
- 7. this is where you check in if late and is normally located near the front.
- 11. you are ____ when you are late.