
  1. 6. A 5 paragraph page based on assigned topic
  2. 7. Is used to help students concentrate
  3. 9. A class where you sing
  4. 11. Something every student lacks
  5. 12. Is sat on
  6. 14. Challenges your knowledge
  7. 15. Where you run out of breath
  8. 16. Used to help you make straight lines
  9. 17. You do it at home
  1. 1. Used to be worked on
  2. 2. Holds and carries your things
  3. 3. When it's time to eat
  4. 4. You use to write with
  5. 5. A class where you workout
  6. 8. Used to type
  7. 9. Where you are taught and do work in
  8. 10. You need a pass
  9. 13. A grown up who feeds you information