
  1. 4. this is the place where you can read a book
  2. 6. this is a place where you can talk to friends
  3. 7. this is a place where the teachers relax
  4. 9. this is a place where you can paint or draw
  5. 11. this is a place where you can play piano
  6. 13. this is a place where you can call your parents
  1. 1. this is the place where you eat lunch
  2. 2. this is a place where you can watch a basketball game
  3. 3. this is a place where you can wash your hands
  4. 5. this is a place where you can play basketball
  5. 8. this is a place where you can play soccer
  6. 10. this is the place where you can do exercise
  7. 12. this is a place where you can talk to Mr Sargent