- 4. What a person who goes to school is called.
- 5. The tool you use to write.
- 7. A tool used to help you do math.
- 10. The subject where you learn about the past.
- 11. The person who teaches a class.
- 12. The table that you sit at to do your work.
- 13. Where you keep your papers.
- 14. The round object used to find countries.
- 1. The scores that you get on homework and tests.
- 2. The room that you learn in.
- 3. What you write your notes in.
- 6. The tool used to remove something you’ve written.
- 8. The place you go to read books.
- 9. Bag that holds your school supplies.
- 10. Schoolwork to be done at home.