  1. 4. Person who teaches you.
  2. 8. Object which you draw with.
  3. 9. Person who has the highest roll in the school.
  4. 11. Object which students write on.
  5. 12. Month of the year when the school year starts.
  6. 13. Object that teachers write on.
  7. 14. Things that you use to write on the blackboard.
  8. 15. Place where PE teachers teach.
  1. 1. Place where you are during the break.
  2. 2. People who study in the school.
  3. 3. Person whose keys open all the doors.
  4. 5. Month when we finish the classes.
  5. 6. Object which you use to look for a word.
  6. 7. Room where you can find books.
  7. 10. Object which you measure.