
  1. 4. end of lesson gauge of knowledge
  2. 5. stars and stripes
  3. 6. weeks per grading period
  4. 7. contains ink
  5. 9. ___experiment
  6. 12. language of the US
  7. 14. person in charge
  8. 17. assignments
  9. 18. vehicle used to transport students
  10. 19. filled with books
  1. 1. numbers subject
  2. 2. punishment
  3. 3. designated area for lunch
  4. 8. where teachers teach
  5. 9. kids
  6. 10. pop___
  7. 11. indicator that class is over
  8. 13. A,B,C,D,F
  9. 15. high tech board
  10. 16. contains graphite