- 1. A subject that involves numbers, calculations, and problem-solving.
- 5. A test or assessment to check what students have learned in their studies.
- 8. A room in a school where students and teachers gather for lessons.
- 10. A subject that helps us understand the world around us through experiments.
- 11. An outdoor area in the school where students can play and have fun.
- 12. A writing instrument made of wood or plastic that you use to write or draw.
- 13. A collection of written words or stories that you read to learn new things.
- 2. Assignments or tasks that students are expected to complete outside of school.
- 3. A place in the school where you can find books to read and study.
- 4. A person who helps students learn and gives lessons in the classroom.
- 6. A piece of furniture with a flat surface where students sit and work.
- 7. A bag that students use to carry their books, supplies, and belongings.
- 9. A person who goes to school to learn new things and gain knowledge.