- 1. The number of children in our phase
- 3. Learning for all, caring for each other, ____ for the future
- 4. The biggest concert choir attends
- 8. The name of the new Year 5/6 teacher
- 11. Mr Waterfall-Smith's favourite activity
- 12. The name of the child who designed the gazebo window
- 13. The word represented by the 'C' on our English board
- 2. One of the periods of history we are studying this half term
- 5. The number of school holidays we have
- 6. This half term's value
- 7. The festival we celebrate this half term
- 8. The name of our headteacher
- 9. Our class animal
- 10. May our caring tree bloom with the ____ we show
- 14. The number of classes at our school