
  1. 1. A break during the school day for outdoor play and relaxation.
  2. 3. Supplies Items like pencils, notebooks, and backpacks for schoolwork.
  3. 6. A flat surface for writing with markers during lessons.
  4. 10. Activities Non-academic activities like sports, clubs, and arts.
  5. 13. Assignments given to students to complete outside of school.
  6. 15. Educational books used as resources for various subjects.
  1. 2. Uniform A set of clothing worn by students as a dress code.
  2. 4. A room where students gather for lessons and learning.
  3. 5. The head of the school responsible for its administration.
  4. 7. A person responsible for instructing and guiding students.
  5. 8. A place with books and resources for reading and research.
  6. 9. Individuals attending school to acquire knowledge and skills.
  7. 11. A dining area where students eat lunch and socialize.
  8. 12. Bus A vehicle used to transport students to and from school.
  9. 14. and Chairs Furniture for students to sit and study at in the classroom.