
  1. 1. Delicious midday meals, where you refuel and chat with pals, creating moments of joy.
  2. 5. Creativity unleashed, with colors, brushes, and crafts, letting imaginations soar in endless possibilities.
  3. 9. Curiosity's playground, where you explore the mysteries of the world, conducting experiments and discoveries.
  4. 10. A wise guide, like a knowledge wizard who helps you learn and discover the world.
  5. 12. Energetic fun, with games, teamwork, and competition, like races to the finish line and goals scored.
  6. 13. A trusty companion, carrying books and treasures, like a portable piece of your world.
  7. 14. Harmonious magic, with melodies and instruments, like a key to feelings and dreams.
  8. 15. A learning island, where you tackle tasks, read stories, and create your own adventures.
  1. 2. A learning hub, where students gather, share ideas, and explore new lessons together.
  2. 3. A puzzle adventure, filled with numbers and patterns, like a treasure hunt for the brain.
  3. 4. Buddies who make school fun, share secrets, and create memories that last a lifetime.
  4. 6. Outdoor playtime, like a break for running, laughing, and enjoying games with friends.
  5. 7. Magical portals to different worlds, filled with stories, knowledge, and endless adventures.
  6. 8. Writing wands, the tools for turning thoughts into words, stories, and works of art.
  7. 11. A bit of school at home, like a puzzle to solve and a chance to practice new skills.