- 3. This special type of call is only to be used in special circumstances under the direction of a supervisor or school specialist.
- 6. Tracers who are interviewing minors with separated parents should confirm they are interviewing the ________ parent.
- 7. The ______ ____ should be triggered for all school-age contacts that attend summer school, camp, or recreation program.
- 8. Camp staff are not required to be fully __________ but it is highly encouraged.
- 11. If a _____ is missing from the school hub drop-down menu, let a supervisor know so it can be entered into the system.
- 13. If you have questions or concerns about a school contact, a great person to ask is the _______ ________ for that county.
- 14. If you are unable to reach a school contact by the end of the day, leave the school _______ to alert them of the contact's exposure.
- 16. School-age contacts have the highest ________ among all contacts.
- 19. Daycares, after-school programs, school-sanctioned sports events, and recreational sports teams are considered ______ ___ ________ and must NOT be disclosed as a source of exposure.
- 20. When triggering the school hub, it is very important to select the correct _____ _____ from the drop-down menu.
- 22. Children who are attending ______ camps and are quarantining on site will most likely be handled by the LHD.
- 23. Masks are ______ at summer school, but are only encouraged at camps.
- 1. Children ages ______ and over are able to be vaccinated at this time.
- 2. For minor contacts, the interview must be conducted with a ______/_______.
- 4. Summer school exposures are treated like regular school contacts and may be ______.
- 5. After six attempts over _____ days, you will need to submit another SNF if you are still unable to reach school contacts.
- 9. For school contacts residing in a different county, you will complete the interview, _______ the record, and notify the school specialist or supervisor.
- 10. School contacts that are fully vaccinated and asymptomatic may be closed out as vaccinated, _____ from quarantine.
- 12. It is highly advisable to read an entire record before making a call, particularly the ______ put in by the school specialist.
- 13. If unable to reach a school contact at the end of day 1, a _____ must be submitted.
- 15. Minors may be interviewed directly if they are __________, pregnant, married, or living away at college.
- 17. You should attempt to reach school contacts (and all contacts) _______ times per day.
- 18. The only type of _______ that may be disclosed in all of contact tracing is for school or summer school.
- 21. In team Tricia, school contacts must be taken care of when you are off and it is your responsibility to get them ________ with the help of your teammates.