  1. 3. A plan to make America economically independent.
  2. 8. distinct region of the country.
  3. 11. A war between natives, led by Black Hawk, and the U.S. in Illinois. Won by the U.S.
  4. 13. areas made up of farms and countryside.
  5. 16. A system in which each worker performs just one part of an entire production process.
  6. 19. A change in the way Americans made, bought, and sold goods.
  7. 20. The use of machinery to make goods.
  8. 21. A heavy tax on imported manufactured goods, designed to strengthen American business.
  9. 22. A band of states stretching from South Carolina to Texas
  10. 24. commerce.
  11. 25. crowded apartments with poor standards of sanitation.
  12. 26. To reject.
  13. 27. Invented by Eli Whitney, separates cotton from seeds, led to an
  14. 29. development of industry.
  15. 31. The powers neither given to the federal government nor denied to the states.
  16. 33. A license from the government giving an inventor the sole right to make, use, and sell an invention for a certain period of time.
  17. 34. hemisphere.
  18. 35. An organization of workers formed to protect the interests of
  19. 37. To withdraw
  20. 38. a work stoppage.
  21. 39. A violent slave uprising in 1831.
  1. 1. An ongoing effort over many decades to increase production by using machines.
  2. 2. The Supreme Court case where the court ruled that states could not interfere with the Federal government’s regulation of
  3. 4. A practice where the winner of an election chose who would fill government jobs, regardless of qualifications.
  4. 5. An 1830 law giving the President authority to move Native tribes from the homeland to territories in the west.
  5. 6. Told the rest of the world to stay out of all affairs in the
  6. 7. in the use of slave labor
  7. 9. cities.
  8. 10. A Supreme Court case where the court ruled that the powers of the Federal government went beyond those spelled out in the
  9. 12. Enterprise System An economic system in which companies compete for profits.
  10. 14. A 116 day forced march of the Cherokee people to the Indian territory. 1 out of every 4 Cherokees died.
  11. 15. the United States. Won by the U.S.
  12. 17. Parts that are exactly alike, and can be easily replaced.
  13. 18. A Supreme Court Case where the court ruled that states cannot interfere with private contracts.
  14. 23. A single factory where all tasks involved in making a product are carried out.
  15. 28. Money that a business spends in hopes of a future gain.
  16. 30. members.
  17. 32. A piece of paper that the bank issues to their customers.
  18. 33. The practice of rewarding political backers with government jobs.
  19. 36. Seminole War: An 1835 uprising of the Seminoles, led by Osceola