School Life

  1. 4. When you study for a test and the result is good.
  2. 8. When you are told to leave the school and never come back because of bad behaviour.
  3. 10. When you didn't study for a test so you copy a friend's work.
  4. 11. What do you do when you finish school?
  5. 13. When you are told to leave school for a short time because of bad behaviour.
  6. 14. When you don't get the minimum mark in a test.
  7. 15. Tasks that are done at home.
  1. 1. The type of mark you get when you don't study.
  2. 2. When you finish school you get a ______.
  3. 3. When you forget to do the homework so you ask to see your friend's.
  4. 5. When you leave school to avoid something.
  5. 6. When you meet new people and start hanging out with them.
  6. 7. People who are mean to other people at school.
  7. 9. When you study for a test and get more than the mínimum mark.
  8. 12. When you look over everything you have learnt in class, because you wil be evaluated.