- 3. He/she is the boss of the school
- 5. You write with this
- 7. Math taken in 9th grade
- 10. You tell time with this
- 12. He/she answers phone in front office
- 13. Not dumb, but ________
- 15. Learning from the past
- 16. In class we are the ________
- 17. You sit at this to eat
- 19. He/she teaches class
- 20. You read this
- 1. Uninteresting: _________
- 2. This is a type of science
- 4. This if filed in a file cabinet
- 6. Most spoken language in America
- 8. She helps with school schedules
- 9. ________ makes perfect
- 11. You can dance to this
- 14. Not small but ___________
- 18. Not big but _____________