school lunch unit 6

  1. 1. Sugar, cacao beans, cacao butter and milk are added to make chocolate. What else?
  2. 3. The antonym of "many"
  3. 5. The name of the cacao tree
  4. 9. The stage when the cocoa beans are dried in the sun
  5. 11. The usual dessert at a birthday party
  6. 12. A .....of milk
  7. 13. A type of protein
  8. 14. A....of crisps
  9. 15. A ... of cola
  10. 16. A type of grain
  11. 17. The things that you throw in the bin
  12. 18. .... is used with countable nouns
  1. 2. The antonym of "much"
  2. 4. Very big
  3. 6. used with uncountable nouns
  4. 7. Someone who is very unkind
  5. 8. We need to ..... plastic bags, bottles
  6. 10. The synonym of "amazing"