School Puzzle

  1. 3. We wish we can eat this for school lunch.
  2. 4. We eat school _____.
  3. 7. You sharpen it.
  4. 9. ____ is the tallest in the class?
  5. 11. You write on this with chalk.
  6. 13. Online lessons.
  7. 16. The best subject in school.
  8. 18. Please _______ your name on this.
  9. 19. They teach students.
  10. 20. You study on this.
  1. 1. The leader of the school.
  2. 2. _____ do you come to school?
  3. 5. Sweets to give to your teachers.
  4. 6. You can join one.
  5. 8. Mr. Flo's brother.
  6. 10. The room for your class.
  7. 12. Draw straight lines with this.
  8. 14. You don't like these, but you must study for them.
  9. 15. You use this to get to school.
  10. 17. Where you play indoor sports.