School Subjects

  1. 3. saws, eyewear and measurements
  2. 4. where you perform experiments and record the results
  3. 5. to help you live a healthy life and get exercise
  4. 7. to improve maths skills even more
  5. 10. creativity helps when you study this
  6. 13. finding out about past events
  7. 14. art through writing
  8. 15. if your school has a pool
  9. 17. to improve computer skills even more
  10. 18. addition and subtraction are used in
  1. 1. art through sound
  2. 2. cooking and sewing
  3. 5. gardening
  4. 6. confidence grows from studying this
  5. 8. bending and shaping metals
  6. 9. to improve computer skills
  7. 11. language that you learn throughout school
  8. 12. help with child care
  9. 16. art through movement