
  1. 1. A place designed for relaxation and recreation, often with amenities.
  2. 3. A period of time when people take a break from work or school to relax and travel.
  3. 4. A bag carried on one's back, often used for traveling.
  4. 8. A place where people go for a trip or vacation.
  5. 12. The activity of walking in natural landscapes and trails.
  6. 13. The act of traveling to discover and learn about new places
  7. 15. A voyage on a ship, often for leisure and visiting multiple destinations.
  1. 2. The state of being free from stress and tension, often during a vacation.
  2. 5. A plan or schedule of a trip, including destinations and activities.
  3. 6. The activity of visiting and seeing interesting places.
  4. 7. An official document that allows a person to travel to foreign countries.
  5. 9. A memento or keepsake bought as a reminder of a trip or place.
  6. 10. An exciting and daring experience, often involving risk and exploration.
  7. 11. A place that provides lodging and accommodations for travelers.
  8. 14. A sandy or pebbly shore along the sea or a lake.