School Vocabulary

  1. 2. an outdoor area where children can play, especially at a school or in a park.
  2. 7. trip a journey made by a group of people, often students, to study something in its natural environment.
  3. 8. someone who prepares and cooks food.
  4. 9. a person who is not the teacher and helps children who need extra support with school subjects.
  5. 10. a space or passage inside the entrance or front door of a building.
  6. 12. someone who is in charge of a collection of a particular type of books or papers.
  7. 14. musicians who play popular music together.
  8. 16. the act of successfully completing a university degree, or studies at an American high school.
  9. 17. a person whose job is to drive a bus.
  10. 18. a room or building used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc.
  11. 19. day a special day at school when there are no classes and children compete in sports events.
  12. 22. someone who is in charge of a collection of a particular type of books or papers.
  13. 23. a person who works in an office dealing with mail, phone calls, keeping records, arranging meetings, etc.
  1. 1. a room or space equipped with computers (networked or not) devoted to pedagogical use in a school.
  2. 3. a room where people can change their clothes at the gym or at a school.
  3. 4. a series of performances of music, plays, films, etc., usually organized in the same place once a year.
  4. 5. a large room, usually containing special equipment, where people go to do physical exercise.
  5. 6. a restaurant where you choose and pay for your meal before you carry it to a table.
  6. 8. a person who trains a person or team in sport.
  7. 9. show an event in a school in which people show how well they can sing, dance, etc.
  8. 11. the part of a theatre, concert hall, etc. in which the audience sits.
  9. 13. a place or a time at which visitors are welcome.
  10. 15. an open area of ground which is surrounded by the school buildings or walls.
  11. 20. a mother or father of a person or an animal.
  12. 21. a series of movements and steps that are usually performed to music.