School Vocabulary

  1. 2. examination
  2. 4. opposite of pen
  3. 7. It takes you to school
  4. 10. a school friend
  5. 11. a break
  6. 14. The teacher writes on this
  7. 15. You write notes in this
  8. 17. Another word for class
  9. 18. PUPILS
  10. 19. School staff work here
  11. 20. you hang your coat here
  1. 1. You keep your pencils and pens in this
  2. 3. You use this to draw lines
  3. 5. where you keep something safe
  4. 6. like a table
  5. 8. This is very sticky
  6. 9. You cut paper with these
  7. 12. opposite of pencil
  8. 13. A book you use in class
  9. 16. yuo use this to rub out mistakes